2023 in Review
2023 has been a transformative year at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary.
As we reflect on ways that God has blessed the ministry of CBTS this year, we give Him thanks and praise for what has been an exciting year of his gracious provision. We also want to express our gratitude to so many of you who have supported us through prayer and financial support.
We share the highlights below in the hope that you will join us in reflecting upon what the Lord has done and give Him glory and praise!
800 Chuck Gray Court
This year, the renovation of new facilities for Grace Reformed Baptist Church and Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary was completed. CBTS moved into new facilities in May of 2023. The new facilities feature a dedicated lecture hall, an enlarged library, and additional office space for CBTS staff. The building has been a tremendous blessing as it has provided our students and staff with comfortable facilities in which to learn and study. It has also enabled us to host important meetings such as the annual MARBAC Reformation Day Conference and the 2023 ARTS Annual Meeting (Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries).
400 Students
This year, the student body at CBTS reached 400 active students. We are overwhelmed at the Lord’s kindness in answering our prayers to raise up “from this broad land a mighty host.” Please join us in praying that the Lord will raise up amongst them hundreds of qualified laborers for His harvest fields!
14 Graduates
This year, 14 students graduated at the CBTS graduation service in May. 3 students earned the Master of Divinity degree (MDiv), 7 earned the Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS), and 4 earned the Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies (MAPS).
4 Modular Courses
This year, CBTS hosted four modular courses in Owensboro, KY, which were attended by approximately 77 students. These courses included Recovering the Orthodox Van Til taught by Dr. Lane Tipton, Historical Theology of the Modern Church by Dr. Sam Waldron, ThM Research and Methodology by Dr. Jon English Lee, and Polemics by Dr. Sam Waldron, Dr. Jon English Lee, and Dr. Tom Hicks.
16 Live-Semester Courses
This year, CBTS held Live-Semester Courses which were attended by approximately 275 students (152 in the Spring & 123 in the Fall). These courses included Symbolics taught by Dr. Sam Waldron, Elementary Hebrewby Dr. Joshua Wilson, Elementary Greek by Dr. Timothy Decker, Pastoral Theology by Dr. Fred Malone, Intermediate Greek and Theological Latin by Michael Emadi, and Introduction to Biblical Counseling by Dr. J. Ryan Davidson.
John Miller Appointed Vice-President and Academic Dean of CBTS
This year, CBTS announced the appointment of John Miller to the part-time position of Vice-President and Academic Dean. Miller serves as the Pastor of Redeemer Baptist Church of Macon, GA.
Launched the ThM Program
This year, CBTS announced the launch of its Master of Theology (ThM) Program and appointed Dr. Jon English Lee as ThM Director. This is the first post-graduate degree that CBTS has offered. There are currently 7 students enrolled in the program.
Announced the CBTS Español Initiative
This year, CBTS announced its intention to begin a Spanish track of its Master of Divinity program beginning in 2024. CBTS intends to add one full-time position and one part-time position in 2024 to provide administrative support to this new program.
$24,000 in Financial Assistance
This year, CBTS granted over $24,000 in financial assistance to students in financial need. Over $8,000 of this assistance was granted to international students via the William Carey Scholarship Fund. The need for student financial assistance continues to increase as economic hardships persist. Would you consider helping us with a financial gift to assist our students in need?
7 International Programs
This year, CBTS scheduled over a dozen instructors for the modular courses of our Latin America affiliates in Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Mexico, and Cuba. In addition to this, a new affiliate Seminary was established in Costa Rica, and the inaugural modular course was held just this month.
Held Second Annual Covenant Conference on How Then Should We Worship?
This year, CBTS held its second annual Covenant Conference in Louisville, KY, on March 23-25 on the subject How Then Should We Worship? Conrad Mbewe, Sam Waldron, Scott Aniol, and others spoke about biblical worship to over 200 attendees at the conference.
In Summary
2023 has been a wonderful year for Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! We also want to thank so many of you who have supported us to make these events possible.
As we approach the end of the year, would you consider supporting us financially in our mission to help the church prepare men for the gospel ministry? To find out how you can help, visit CBTSeminary.org/give. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the opportunities that are ahead for CBTS in 2024, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]
On behalf of the faculty and staff at CBTS, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Brice Bigham
Director of Development
Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary

Brice Bigham serves as the Director of Development & Marketing at CBTS. He is an M.Div. Student at CBTS and serves as a Deacon at Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Owensboro, KY. He lives with his wife Alina and their four children. Brice particularly enjoys church history, homesteading, and spending time with his family.