The benevolent rule of Esther and Mordecai serves as a picture of the reign of Christ, Whose reign will never end.
The Jehu Principle, Donald Trump, & Optimistic Amillennialism | Sam Waldron
The Jehu Principle is that God may use even evil and defective men and movements for the destruction of evil, the preservation of His people, and the protection of the gospel mission to the world. I am of the opinion that in the recent election of Donald Trump we see once more the historical embodiment of the Jehu Principle.
The Reformed Use of the Septuagint: Part 2 | Jared Ebert
The Greek Old Testament cannot be ignored but is useful to us in Bible translation, interpretation, and matters of text-criticism.
Which (Logically) Came First: Election or the Fall? | Ben Carlson
Within the Reformed tradition, there have been two acceptable ways to hold to unconditional election. One is the supralapsarian view and the other is the infralapsarian view.
The Reformed Use of the Septuagint: Part 1 | Jared Ebert
“There is no such thing as the Reformed view on the Septuagint. There are differing opinions, ranging from total rejection to sympathetic willingness to use it for a variety of goals.”
What should we think of polygamy? | Ben Carlson
The right view of polygamy is that it violates God’s original design for marriage. Since it was a widespread cultural reality throughout the Ancient Near East, and since it had even infiltrated the Old Covenant people of God, it was regulated by OT law within the Israelite community but never officially endorsed or approved of.
Don’t push that button! | Jim Savastio
The quickest and surest way to bring about change in a society is to instill a sense of panic. In a nation, in a community, and yes, in the churches, if you can convince people that we are in peril, that their very survival is at stake, that things have never...
TEXTUAL ODDITIES OF THE TEXTUS RECEPTUS IN 1 JOHN Part 4: Strange Textual Readings in the TR | Timothy Decker
In this article, we will note a somewhat unique feature in 1 John—the uncharacteristic shorter readings of the Byzantine and TR readings.
CBTSeminary names lecture hall after departed saint, Mickey Myers
Mickey was a faithful member of GRBC and a close friend of Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary. He regularly attended evening courses and modules at CBTS and enjoyed attending conferences to represent the Seminary.
Sabbath Applications | Ben Carlson
For observing the Lord’s Day properly, people may look at you like you are an alien from another planet. But this is the very thing that identifies you as a follower of Jesus Christ!