Augustine’s place in the history of Christian Apologetics can be dealt with only if we first understand the immensely different assessments that have been given of what lies at the heart of Augustine’s thought.
Presuppositional Apologetics: The Early Church | Sam Waldron
A historical introduction to Christian apologetics must include some reference to Greek philosophy.
Philip and the Ministry of the Word | Christopher E. Osterbrock
The ministry of the Word saturated the first generation of elders and preachers as depicted in the book of Acts
Presuppositional Apologetics: Fundamental Considerations | Sam Waldron
Cornelius Van Til, the acknowledged father of presuppositionalism, did little exegetically to develop the biblical basis of his position. Thus, it is crucial that these lectures devote themselves to the exegesis and applications of important biblical passages and themes on the subject of apologetics.
Presuppositional Apologetics: A Preface to the Series | Sam Waldron
Van Til did not believe that his views were novel or without precedent in church history. Nor do I. That is why my approach builds on a historical survey that gives an overview of the development of apologetic views in the history of the church.
Top 5 books read in 2024
Charles Spurgeon once said, "Visit many good books, but live in the Bible." Below is a list of the top five non-scriptural books that Waldron, Semrad, McCormick, and Dovel visited, i.e., read through, in 2024. Sam Waldron The Wonderful Works of God by...
2024 by the Numbers
2024 by the Numbers 2024 has been an exciting year filled with God's gracious provision. More men are being raised up to pastor tomorrow’s churches. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to the many of you who have partnered with us through prayer and financial...
CBTSeminary Announces 2025 Podcast Changes
After nearly 1,000,000 downloads (around 1.5 million, including all channels and video streams), the Man of God Network will undergo significant changes in 2025
Go Ye Into All the Empire: A Theology of Missions From The Book of Esther |
The benevolent rule of Esther and Mordecai serves as a picture of the reign of Christ, Whose reign will never end.
The Jehu Principle, Donald Trump, & Optimistic Amillennialism | Sam Waldron
The Jehu Principle is that God may use even evil and defective men and movements for the destruction of evil, the preservation of His people, and the protection of the gospel mission to the world. I am of the opinion that in the recent election of Donald Trump we see once more the historical embodiment of the Jehu Principle.