“I Will Build My Church”
Where is your Theology taking you?
In the wake of COVID-19 lockdowns, travel restrictions, global economic & cultural turmoil, and increasing hostility toward Christianity, it might be easy for the average Christian to take a defensive posture and forget that the church of Jesus Christ has been given a great commission to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations. We must ask ourselves, where is our theology taking us?
Our Savior, now ruling in the midst of his enemies, said: “I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it” and “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Therefore, true churches of Jesus Christ should at all times devote themselves to the cause of advancing his kingdom through missions and church planting.
But how should these things be done? We stand amidst the wreckage of a century full of the spread of evangelical pragmatism and false doctrines which were often championed by armies of churchless pioneer missionaries and parachurch organizations. As Reformed Baptists, we desire to return to simple obedience to Jesus Christ in the Word of God. Christians must seek to accomplish the great commission in the way that he commanded. Local churches must lead the way. This primarily involves preparing and sending out elder-qualified men possessing a solid grasp of sound doctrine to plant and strengthen churches at home and abroad. Churches must ensure that any men sent possess a faith and practice worthy of exporting.
CBTSeminary held its first annual theology conference in Louisville, KY on March 17-19th, 2022. Paul Washer, Sam Waldron, Tom Nettles, and John Miller spoke on Missions and Church Planting.

I Will Build My Church
Conference Promotional Trailer
Jon Hueni
Sam Waldron
Paul Washer
Early Baptist Missions & Missionaries
Tom Nettles
The Mission of God & the OT
John Miller
Church Planting: Every Pastor’s Duty
Sam Waldron
Q&A Panel Discussion
Paul Washer, Sam Waldron, Tom Nettles, & John Miller
Early Baptist Church Planting Efforts
Tom Nettles
Doing Missions Under God’s Authority
Paul Washer
Lessons Learned from Church Planting
John Miller
Should Your Christianity be Exported?
Paul Washer